JCAR PEPSI: How can Asset Management help descision making?

To improve pump operation of existing pumping systems and to get a better insight in the operational behavior of pump systems in Egypt, an asset management system has been built for MED. By assessing and monitoring the pumping stations in a systematic way, a better understanding of the assets will be developed, leading to a more efficient and more robust operation and maintenance of the systems. The asset management system has been built on the data management system and inspection protocols already in place at MED. During this session, the developers will present the system that has been build and the MED engineers will present their experiences and learnings from the system. The asset management system incorporates data from 25 pumping stations until present. This should be expanded to all pumping stations from the MED. We will end the session with a panel discussion where a combination of key stakeholders and external advisors will discuss the importance of the system and the potential next steps that could be taken.
  • 11:30 - 13:00 (MONACO C)


  • JCAR

  • Toc
