S.S2_Strategic Water Resources Management in Enhancing Community Resilience

This session focuses on advancing strategic water resources management to bolster community resilience, encompassing vital dimensions for sustainable development. It will delve into the complex interplay between land use, climate change, and water resources, examining their implications on availability, quality, and infrastructure. Strategies to fortify community resilience will be explored, including risk communication, social vulnerability assessments, cross-sector collaboration, and resilience-focused cropping policies for water users. Moreover, the session will address the application of simulation models in future water resource planning, offering decision-makers diverse strategic pathways. Effective water management during extreme events across various sectors will also be emphasized. Sustainable water management principles grounded in circular economy approaches will be highlighted, emphasizing water's holistic value and minimizing wastage. Key topics include the impact of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on the Epilimnion Temperature in the High Aswan Dam Reservoir, sustainability evaluation of solar-powered drip irrigation for sugarcane, evolutionary optimization of water distribution systems, probabilistic operating rules for Thika Dam in Kenya, and the socioeconomic effects of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam operation on inland fisheries in the High Aswan Dam Reservoir. This session aims to illuminate effective strategies for enhancing community resilience through strategic water resources management.
  • 11:30 - 13:00 (LOUVRE 5)


  • Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation (MWRI)

  • WWP World Water Policy


  • Dr. Ali Karnib / Lebanon

  • Dr. Zeina ElZein / Egypt

  • Ms. Racheal Macharia / Algeria

  • Eng. Mai Alsadeq / Egypt

  • Ms. Emily Kambalame / Malawi

  • Dr. Mohamed Dawood / United Arab Emirates

  • Dr. Mahmoud Roushdi / Egypt