How policy shaped water reuse reality in MENA: Evidence from the past and recommendations for the future

Water reuse is recognized as part of the solution to the water crisis in MENA and the number of projects for direct water reuse has doubled every decade since 1960. Nevertheless, still more than half of the generated wastewater is lost in the sea or evaporated with no productive use. The region cannot afford this loss and needs to accelerate the recovery and reuse of wastewater and make water reuse safer and more productive. In this interactive session we will: i) Shed light on the current situation of water reuse in selected countries of MENA; ii) Discuss what past or existing policy instruments have been more effective in the promotion of water reuse; and iii) explore policy recommendations to accelerate the implementation of water reuse projects.
  • 16:00 - 17:30 (PICASSO 2)


  • IWMI

  • Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
