PS-4 Actions for Water and Climate Adaptations and Resilience( Africa Hydrology Conference Plenary )

Resilience and adaptation are crucial in mitigating the severe impacts of climate challenges and transforming them into viable solutions. Addressing these challenges requires advancements in knowledge and innovations across various domains, including technology, solutions, and adaptations services . Delaying action will only increase the cost and difficulty of adaptation for future generations. This thematic focus centers on recent advancements in understanding climate change uncertainties , assessing the severity of impacts , identifying vulnerable regions, and mapping risks related to water issues. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Vision and Strategy for hydrology (Resolution 4 (Cg-Ext (2021)) synergizes with strategic pillars of the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW Strategy 2018 – 2030) and aims to address the impacts of climate change on water. WMO in collaboration with AMCOW and the Government of Egypt, and in partnership with a wide range of institutions is organizing the Africa Hydrological Conference under the theme: Bridging the gap in the Africa Water Sector and Disaster Risk Management - Towards the implementation of SDG6 and EW4ALL through integration of Hydrology and Climate Resilient Approaches.
  • 9:30 - 11:00 (MONACO AB)


  • Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation (MWRI)

  • WMO


  • Minister Hani Sewilam / Egypt

  • Minister Pemmy Majodina, / South Africa

  • Mr. Hesham Hassan Tahoun / Egypt

  • Prof. Stefan Uhlenbrook / Germany

  • Dr. Amgad Elmahdi / Egypt

  • Dr. Louise Heegaard / Sweden

  • Dr. Dominique Berod / Switzerland

  • Eng. Ogoma Mangasa / Tanzania

  • Dr. Mohammad Housseini Ibrahim / Niger

  • Dr. Harriette Okal / Kenya

  • Dr. Faith Sternlieb / United States

  • Dr. Stephan Dietrich / Germany