Results in Community-Water Company Collaboration & Energy Efficiency in Upper Egypt

Improving Sustainability of the WASH Sector in Upper Egypt (ISWS), funded by the Netherlands Embassy in Egypt, will share two sessions worth key results in strengthened community-water company-governorate collaboration, and significance of energy efficiency activities for overall sustainable management of water companies. Both sessions share experiences and challenges directly by representatives from the HCWW, water companies, and governorates and experts in a.o. ISO 50001 certification, and interactive discussion. The first session presents the adaptation and introduction of the Community Score Card instrument with the HCWW and MoLD in 16 districts of Qina, Sohag, Assiut, and Minia, backed with a set of knowledge/awareness tools for citizens and service providers to ensure that local communities and stakeholders have the capacity to engage in effective processes to strengthen trust, protect sustainability of water resources and infrastructure, and achieve continuous improvement of WASH services with an active role for communities on the local level. The second session showcases the water companies’ work on energy efficiency improvement as a crucial input for more sustainable WASH services management. Including outcomes, challenges, and benefits of supporting ISO 50001 certification and power factor correction training for environmental sustainability, and how to replicate such initiatives peer-to-peer throughout water companies.
  • 14:00 - 15:30 (LOUVRE 5)
  • 16:00 - 17:30 (LOUVRE 5)


  • VNG International
