Enhancing Water Resilience using a data-driven approach

This session aims to develop the audience's understanding of how data-driven methodologies can inform sustainable water management and agricultural practices in the NENA region countries, focusing on enhancing agricultural water productivity and optimizing the use of resources considering water-energy-food nexus.
  • 11:30 - 13:00 (ICELAND)


  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

  • The Regional Initiative on Water Scarcity (WSI)


  • Mr. Saad Alhousali / Yemen

  • Mr. Sami Ouechtati / Iraq

  • Mr. Mohie Omar / Egypt

  • Mr. Mohamed Abdallah / Egypt

  • Mr. Belal El-Leithy / Egypt

  • Mr. Mohamed El-Kholy / Egypt