Climate-Resilient Cities: Innovative Solutions for Strategic Water Resources Management

In accordance with theme 2 of Cairo Water Week (Strategic Water Resources Management in Enhancing Community Resilience), this session will emphasize the role of technical solutions in achieving water security and climate adaptation in urban settings. An urban water focused Adaptation Fund project being implemented by UN-Habitat with support from ESCWA will be used as a launching board to explore how satellite imagery and GIS analyses may be deployed in urban planning efforts and used to address challenges around freshwater availability and quality, including climate change impacts. Understanding the interconnectedness of technical solutions is key to addressing environmental challenges, such as climate change, at both macro and micro scales. Additionally, the session will highlight strategies to make technical solutions for water resource management financially sustainable at the city-level.
  • 9:30 - 11:00 (PICASSO 4)



  • Habitat


  • Ms. Ornella Nohra / Lebanon

  • Mr. Jawad Dukhgan / Jordan

  • Dr. Mohanned Al-Sheriadeh / Jordan

  • Ms. Mona Bitar / Lebanon

  • Eng. Nuha Qtaish / Jordan

  • Ms. Sara Hess / Lebanon

  • Ms. Paula Hawi / Lebanon