Launch of the One CGIAR water systems integration Framework 2024-2030

CGIAR’s network of research centres formed the One CGIAR integrated partnership in 2020 to tackle the complex, global and interconnected challenges of sustainable development, climate change, and biodiversity crisis. One CGR recognizes that the 21st century's challenges require a new integrated agenda for research and innovation. One that's built on CGIAR success. Over the last 50 years, at the forefront of agricultural research across the Global South. The newly developed One CGIAR Water systems integration roadmap 2024-2030 will apply capabilities in water systems science from across CGIAR to transformations for future water security. It will build a whole-of-CGIAR response to the urgency of water security, to put in place for, the first time, an integration road map for CGIAR to address the reality that its vision of food-secure future is possible only in water-secure world. OBJECTIVES OF THE SIDE-EVENT 1. Unveil the One CGIAR Water systems integration road map 2024-2030: Present the development process and the strategic focus areas of the roadmap, 2. Highlight Impact-Driven implementation: Discuss the identified transformation levers, delivery and excellence mechanisms. 3. Strengthen Stakeholder Collaboration: Discuss the role of partnerships and cooperation to support the strategy’s implementation and excellence.
  • 16:00 - 17:30 (PICASSO 2)


  • International Water Management Institute (IWMI)


  • International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Area (ICARDA)

  • International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

  • World Fish

  • The Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT

  • Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation - Egypt (MWRI)
