Solar Power Desalination for Irrigation under AWARe Initiative

Opportunities associated with solar powered desalination technologies, as an alternative water resource, need to be explored based on global best practices. This should include an integrated water-energy-food-ecosystem nexus that maximize the benefit from every desalinated water drop through the implementation of efficient irrigation systems, multiple water recycling mechanisms, high agriculture productivity techniques, while considering the mitigation options for brine management and reducing environmental impacts for long term sustainable use. This approach can enhance food production in the countries suffering from limited or erratic water resources that are aggravated by climate change. IDRC and UNDP, under the AWARe initiative are organizing a high-level panel discussion with government officials from MENA region to reflect on the challenges and opportunities of using desalinated brackish/sea water in agriculture to enhance food security and climate resilience in the region. Case studies/success stories from MENA countries and other countries will be presented.
  • 11:30 - 13:00 (MONACO AB)


  • IDRC

  • UNDP

  • MWRI
