With a focus on transboundary water resources management (TBWM) and collaboration in Africa, the 20 ACEWATER III project partners will perform high-quality research, HCD (human capacity development) and science-policy engagements from 2024-2027.
With TBWM as the main theme, the project is positioned to address this important subtheme of the 9th Africa Water Week, on water governance and the various stakeholders involved, but also the subtheme topic on cooperation on shared watercourses.
With this alignment, ACEWATER III will address some of the critical challenges and considerations for a post-Africa Water Vision 2025, namely governance, collaboration, cooperation, stakeholder engagement, high-quality research and capacity development. This project is funded by the European Commission, and constitutes the academic arm of the Team Europe Initiative on Transboundary Water Management in Africa (TEI-TWM), and is therefore well positioned in the broader Africa-Europe collaboration framework, for maximum impact.
The session will comprise 2-3 presentations on the above, followed by a panel discussion. It is envisaged that the panel will consist of colleagues from relevant RECS such as Southern African Development Community (SADC), Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), and East African Community (EAC), but also AMCOW and the European Commission.