9AWW: Empowering communities in sustainable WASH Services: Integrating Gender equality and social inclusion

The recognition of the role of WASH for all aspects of human development is fast growing, nevertheless indigenous groups/people, ethnic minorities, women, persons with disabilities and youths often result in WASH services that are inappropriate, inaccessible and unaffordable. Through our experiences during workshops, trainings and sensitization campaigns, there's a great number of youth and women's interest,involvment and engagement in knowing more about WASH practices. This session will therefore explore the critical role of gender equality and social inclusion in achieving sustainable WASH services and universal access. It will highlight innovative approaches and successful case studies from the field, focusing on the integration of women, youth, and marginalized groups into water and sanitation initiatives. Participants will engage in discussions on strategies for mainstreaming these principles into WASH policies and programs, ensuring that no one is left behind in the pursuit of water security and public health.
  • 14:00 - 15:30 (LOUVRE 4)


  • Research and Development Without Borders
