9AWW: Launch of African Union, Green Climate Fund and AIP Partners Support to at least 20 Countries: Mobilizing Commitments for Implementing AU-Africa Water Investment Programme (AIP) High-Level Panel Investment Action Plan

The event will launch the support to will at least 20 countries that will receive support from GCF, Austria Development Agency and AIP Partners for developing AIP national climate resilient water investment programmes. This will take place during the 9th Africa Water Week. The event will be convened by the African Union Commission (AUC) in collaboration with the AIP International High-Level Panel on Water Investments for Africa and AIP Partners; AUDA-NEPAD, UNDP, UNICEF, DBSA, UNCDF and others. The event will launch the support to the 20 countries and highlight progress in mobilising investments by the African Union’s High-Level Panel and achievements of the AIP that aims to close the water investments gap by mobilising at least an additional US$30 billion and creating five million jobs towards the SDG 2030 water related targets.
  • 15:00 - 16:30 (PICASSO 1)


  • Africa Union Commission African Water Investment Programme (AIP)

  • AIP High Level Panel Secretariat

  • Global Water Partnership Africa
