9AWW: Youth role in access to WASH services at school level including gender equality and social inclusion

This session on title mentioned above, will be organized by the Senegalese Association of Young Water and Sanitation Professionals which has strong partnerships with main public/private water and sanitation actors. It will be focused on the Association main related program on WASH education, awareness raising and facilities building. Along the session presentation, achievements, raw experiences and lessons learnt from the program will be shared. Furthermore, mentorship chain from primary school to young professional level in order to ensure continuity and strength in Senegalese WASH sector from early age will be highlighted. Besides youth empowerment, other strong links of the program to childcare, environmental protection, circular economy, may be presented.
  • 16:00 - 17:30 (LOUVRE 4)


  • Association des Jeunes Professionnels de l'Eau et de l'Assainissement du Sénégal (AJPEAS)
